Families can have its own Bullet Factory (BF). The owner is the player who made the purchase. 

Bullet factories are locked at the beginning of the version. Each family can unlock the purchase of bullet factory when their family is rank 5 and has enough money in the bank to buy it. By purchasing bullet factory player automatically becomes family capo. Bullet Factory owner can be changed only when capo hands over his regime
Each family can have only one BF and there is only one BF per city. The bullet factory has to be neighbor spot to the other spots of the family.

The owner can stop and restart the bullet manufacturing and he can define the bullet price (between 1 and 5000 dollars each). He just has to be in the BF city to get access to the control panel.

BF produces 100 bullets every 5 minutes and each bullet costs $250 which are automatically deducted from the owner's pocket. If the owner doesn't have enough money to pay the production, he loses the BF and all bullets that weren't bought yet. So, if you don't have money, stopping the production can be a very good idea.

Bullets from family bullet factory are distributed automatically to all members with rank status above Swindler and witactivity above 50%Maximum amount of the bullets that family factory can produce is 100.000 bullets per day.

Don't forget! Factory only produces if the average activity of the family is higher than 65%. Bullets received from family bullet factory cannot be sold on obay.

Frequently Asked Question (FAQ)

Can I run bullet factory if my family is rank 1?

If your family is rank 1 and possesses bullet factory, that means you have obtain it by shooting bullet factory owner of other family in the same city. You always need to fulfill requirement of having family rank 5 in order to run bullet factory.

If I obtain bullet factory in war can I run it?

Reply to this question depends from the rank of your family. If your family is rank 5 then yes - you can run bullet factory as long as it is unlocked in your capo panel and is neighbor spot to other family spots

If your family rank is less than 5 then no - you won't be able to run this bullet factory.

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